
class ET_Core_Cache_Directory {

     * @since 4.0.8
     * @var self
    protected static $_instance;

     * Whether or not we can write to the cache directory.
     * @since 4.0.8
     * @var bool
    public $can_write;

     * Absolute path to cache directory
     * @since 4.0.8
     * @var string
    public $path = '';

     * URL for {@see self::$path}
     * @since 4.0.8
     * @var string
    public $url = '';

     * @since 4.0.8
     * @var WP_Filesystem_Base
    public $wpfs;

     * ET_Core_Cache_Directory constructor.
     * @since 4.0.8
    public function __construct() {
            if ( self::$_instance ) {
                    et_wrong( 'Use "ET_Core_Cache_Directory::instance()" instead of "new ET_Core_Cache_Directory".' );


            self::$_instance = $this;


     * Determines the cache directory path and url based on where we can write files
     * and whether or not the user has defined a custom path and url.
     * @since 4.0.8
    protected function _initialize() {

            if ( $this->_maybe_use_custom_path() ) {

            $uploads_dir_info = (object) wp_get_upload_dir();
            $path             = et_()->path( WP_CONTENT_DIR, 'et-cache' );
            $url              = content_url( 'et-cache' );

            $can_write  = $this->wpfs->is_writable( $path ) && ! is_file( $path );
            $can_create = ! $can_write && $this->wpfs->is_writable( WP_CONTENT_DIR );

            if ( ! $can_write && ! $can_create && $this->wpfs->is_writable( $uploads_dir_info->basedir ) ) {
                    // We can create our cache directory in the uploads directory
                    $can_create = true;
                    $path       = et_()->path( $uploads_dir_info->basedir, 'et-cache' );
                    $url        = et_()->path( $uploads_dir_info->baseurl, 'et-cache' );

            $this->can_write = $can_write || $can_create;
            $this->path      = et_()->normalize_path( $path );
            $this->url       = $url;

            $this->_maybe_adjust_path_for_multisite( $uploads_dir_info );

             * Absolute path to directory where we can store cache files.
             * @since 4.0.8
             * @var string
            define( 'ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR', $this->path );

             * URL to {@see ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR}.
             * @since 4.0.8
             * @var string
            define( 'ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR_URL', $this->url );

            $this->can_write && et_()->ensure_directory_exists( $this->path );

     * Ensures that the WP Filesystem API has been initialized.
     * @since??
     * @return WP_Filesystem_Base
    protected function _initialize_wpfs() {
            require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';

             * Filters the WP_Filesystem args.
             * @since 4.18.1
             * @param  $wpfs_args  Arguments to use when initializing WP_Filesystem
             * @return |array
            $wpfs_args = apply_filters( 'et_core_cache_wpfs_args', array() );

            // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- may fail due to the permissions denied error
            if ( defined( 'ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR' ) && @WP_Filesystem( $wpfs_args, ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR, true ) ) {
                    // We can write to a user-specified directory
                    return $this->wpfs = $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem'];

            // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- may fail due to the permissions denied error
            if ( @WP_Filesystem( $wpfs_args, false, true ) ) {
                    // We can write to WP_CONTENT_DIR
                    return $this->wpfs = $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem'];

            $uploads_dir = (object) wp_get_upload_dir();

            // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- may fail due to the permissions denied error
            if ( @WP_Filesystem( $wpfs_args, $uploads_dir->basedir, true ) ) {
                    // We can write to the uploads directory
                    return $this->wpfs = $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem'];

            // We aren't able to write to the filesystem so let's just make sure $this->wpfs
            // is an instance of the filesystem base class so that calling it won't cause errors.
            require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php';

            // Write notice to log when WP_DEBUG is enabled.
            $nl  = PHP_EOL;
            $msg = 'Unable to write to filesystem. Please ensure that PHP has write access to one of ';
            $msg .= "the following directories:{$nl}{$nl}\t- WP_CONTENT_DIR{$nl}\t- wp_upload_dir(){$nl}\t- ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR.";

            et_debug( $msg );

            return $this->wpfs = new WP_Filesystem_Base;

     * Adjusts the path for multisite if necessary.
     * @since 4.0.8
     * @param stdClass $uploads_dir_info (object) wp_get_upload_dir()
    protected function _maybe_adjust_path_for_multisite( $uploads_dir_info ) {
            if ( et_()->starts_with( $this->path, $uploads_dir_info->basedir ) || ! is_multisite() ) {

            $site       = get_site();
            $network_id = $site->site_id;
            $site_id    = $site->blog_id;

            $this->path = et_()->path( $this->path, $network_id, $site_id );
            $this->url  = et_()->path( $this->url, $network_id, $site_id );

     * Whether or not the user has defined a custom path for the cache directory.
     * @since 4.0.8
     * @return bool
    protected function _maybe_use_custom_path() {
            if ( ! defined( 'ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR' ) ) {
                    return false;

            $this->path = ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR;

            if ( ! $this->can_write = $this->wpfs->is_writable( $this->path ) ) {
                    et_wrong( 'ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR is defined but not writable.', true );

            if ( defined( 'ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR_URL' ) ) {
                    $this->url = ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR_URL;
            } else {
                    et_wrong( 'When ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR is defined, ET_CORE_CACHE_DIR_URL must also be defined.', true );

            return true;

     * Returns the class instance.
     * @since 4.0.8
     * @return ET_Core_Cache_Directory
    public static function instance() {
            if ( ! self::$_instance ) {
                    self::$_instance = new self;

            return self::$_instance;
