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Change mail IP

If your primary IP of the server is blacklisted or having poor reputation, the emails send from you can end up in recipients spam folder. Un til you get the IP issue sorted, you can change the Exim’s mail sending IP to another fresh IP preset in the server.

1.Edit /etc/mailips.

If you wish to change the IP for all domains in the server, add
*: new_IP
If you wish to change the IP for only one domain, add : new_IP

2. Enable “Reference /etc/mailips for outgoing SMTP connections” in WHM >> Exim Configuration

3. Enable “Allow users to relay mail if they use an IP address through which someone has validated an IMAP or POP3 login within the last hour (Pop-before-SMTP)” in WHM >> Tweak Settings

4. Modify the domain’s SPF record to include the new IP.

5. Restart Exim

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